HAIR Affair

Welcome friends to an easier way to go green!  Last spring I felt a little stuck… lockdown had made life less than comfortable and left me feeling like we were running out of everything.  All the zero-plastic and zero-waste initiatives were being side-stepped in favour of disposable synthetics and that just bugged me big time!!  How could we just hide behind all these confusing messages about the ‘benefits’ of plastic and chemical sanitizers??  That was when I figured I’d had enough… I had to come up with a better way of keeping things clean.


💁🏻‍♀️ It is important to keep in mind that one plant alone cannot entirely fix our hair wants and wishes. We have to take a step back and look at other factors such as, how often you are showering, what products you currently using for your hair, the temperature of your water and your own hair at its baseline.  

I’m currently using four different shampoo bars… they are earth-friendly portable no-mess portions of shampoo glory.  You’d be amazed at what this does for your hair… Lemme give you a breakdown right here👇

>> I’ve added a LATHER score because sometimes we like to have a bit more bubbly and this is usually an indicator of the natural sugar content in the mix. (Characteristic of natural honey-based glycerin blends incl. M 👁 SWEET and BUBBLY All-Natural Body Wash).

M👁 WEED of MARS Shampoo Bar



M👁 HAVE A GOAT DAY Shampoo Bar

👀 This root-booster gives great solid volume and waves

👀 Weightless volume and unleashes natural curls all over (think ringlets)

👀 Nice well-balanced blend of Castille and three butter base

👀 Smoother and straighter locks, this mixture feeds your needs

☀️☀️☀️    (Boosts Shine)

☀️☀️☀️☀️         (Super Shine)

☀️☀️                (Fair Shine)

☀️                 (Modest Shine)

👃🏼 Rosemary

👃🏼 Gingerbread

👃🏼  Licorice Floral Bouquet

👃🏼 Citrus Floral Bouquet

✔️✔️✔️ ✔️ 
(Super Lather)

(Lathers Well)

(Good Lather)

(Modest Lather)


Since we haven’t put any EXTRAS in these shampoo bars, it’s a good idea to either lightly condition with a touch from a conditioner bar (M👁 Three Witches’ Conditioner) or spray with  Happy Apple Conditioner Spray  (I do both and it gives me smooth, shiny locks).

GREEN HAIR will help save our planet!!
👉 Buy a minimum of 3 shampoo bars and the price is drops by $2ea = $8 instead of $10

Come one, Come all 🌈 Get your GREENER game on!!